world leader in Functional Capacity Evaluation software

Developing, selling & supporting automated FCE testing equipment & software

About Us

we provide information that removes uncertainty

Using the ARCON Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) system, we provide information that removes uncertainty in disability claims, workplace injuries, and pre-employment screening. Our primary focus is to provide functional capacity evaluation reports that determines a person's physical ability to perform job-related tasks safely and effectively. Our functional capacity evaluation software and testing protocols were designed with the help of physical therapists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, kinesiologists, and doctors of physical medicine. The ARCON functional capacity evaluation results are accepted by disability evaluators and insurance companies as an industry standard.

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Why Functional Capacity Evaluations?


We think functional capacity evaluations should be accessible, reliable, and consistent. That's why we've created a system to make it easier.

FCE System Guarantees:

  • Easy to use.
  • Widely accepted by insurance companies, physicians, and other referral sources.
  • Easy to store, edit all data, and recall prior tests.
  • Helpful with drop-down menus describing all protocols, system calibration, and set-up.
  • Complete with FCE reports that automatically load into Microsoft Word with graphs, pictures, and summaries.

ARCON System Includes:

  • Computerized hand and pinch gauge.
  • Electronic goniometer.
  • Dual range of motion inclinometers.
  • Dynamic and isometric lifting system.
  • Computerized heart rate monitor.

Testing Protocols Include:

  • Dynamic lifting.
  • Isometric testing extremities & back.
  • Range of motion testing.
  • Dexterity testing.
  • Endurance testing.
  • Activities of daily living.
  • Functional movement and posture testing.

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Get real time measurementS

verified FCE Software

The ARCON FCE system substantially reduces measurement and calculation errors through control and monitoring by the FCE software, resulting in a high degree of accuracy. Strength measurements are accurate to the nearest pound or to 1% of the full scale. Angle measurements (goniometers and inclinometers) are accurate to the nearest degree.


The ARCON FCE software includes calibration procedures for each instrument and has an internal check to ensure that calibration is verified or performed on at least a bimonthly basis. The evaluator is alerted if measured values are unusually high or low so that equipment problems, while rare, can be quickly detected. By comparison, typical manual FCE systems may only have their tools calibrated once a year or less.


functional tests & comprehensive assessments

What Are Our Protocols?

Intake Interview:

Intake Interview

The intake interview is an opportunity for the evaluator to describe the functional evaluation procedure and to identify expectations through the use of an informed consent document. It is also an opportunity to develop a rapport with the client and allay any fears associated with functional testing. During this component of testing, the client has an opportunity to tell his or her story. Oftentimes, this is the first opportunity that the client has had to fully describe the injury or illness process and how it has impacted both work and activities of daily living. The evaluator can collect the client's perception of current capabilities and compare those to demonstrated functional abilities observed later during the evaluation. The evaluator is also able to measure tolerance for sustained sitting during this time.

Musculoskeletal Screen:

Musculoskeletal Screen

The client undergoes a brief general screen of functional movement as well as an optional diagnostic-specific assessment of injured areas. Range of motion, strength, stability, sensation, and other diagnosis-specific testing can be correlated with demonstrated functional abilities performed later in the evaluation for consistency. The screen confirms diagnostic criteria, ensures that the client is safe to proceed with more physically demanding portions of the exam, and identifies specific deficits. During this component of the evaluation, grip and pinch strength data are also collected. This data is compared to population norms based on gender and age and is also used in determining the client's reliability of effort.

Strength Testing:

Strength Testing

Whole-body lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying capacity are measured both statically and dynamically. Static (isometric) testing is an excellent tool for quickly and safely assessing maximum strength in various work postures. Dynamic lifting is performed utilizing the PILE protocol (Progressive Isoinertial Lifting Evaluation) and has applications for both occasional and frequent demand levels of work. Heart rates are measured during static and dynamic lifting and provide physiological evidence of exertion (reliability of effort) by the client during these tasks. Strength abilities are rated using the standard categories defined in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles published by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Functional Abilities:

Functional Abilities

The ARCON protocol uses methods of measurement (MTM) testing to measure a client's abilities in activities that involve movement, dexterity, and/or postural tolerance. MTM utilizes the Industrial Standard (IS) criterion as an objective basis for rating ability levels. The Industrial Standard is defined as the time it takes an average worker (male or female), between 18 and 65 with average skills, to perform a task at a rate that he or she can maintain over an 8-hour workday with appropriate allowance for rest and without undue stress or fatigue. This method of rating functional abilities is based on an extensive body of research published over the past 70 years. Some functional evaluation systems rely on clinical observation of functional tasks, with the rating of a client's ability based on the evaluator's clinical judgment. With MTM testing, the client's ability for each of the functional activities is objectively obtained through direct measurement. ARCON MTM results are reliable, valid, and not influenced by evaluator judgment or bias.

Cardiovascular Assessment:

Cardiovascular Assessment

Another component used to predict a client's ability to perform work is aerobic capacity. Studies suggest that workers can sustain an energy expenditure rate of 33% of their maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 max) over an 8-hour day. The ARCON FCE system offers three sub-maximal aerobic tests that predict VO2 max and, thus, sustained work capacity. The Canadian Aerobic Fitness Test and the YMCA Step Test are both simple step tests that can quickly and safely predict aerobic capacity, while the Single Stage Treadmill Test uses a motorized treadmill that some clients find easier to tolerate than a step test. When a client has a job with a significant energy demand, the results of a cardiovascular assessment will indicate if he or she is capable of meeting that demand upon return to work.

Reliability of Effort:

Reliability of Effort

Essential to every FCE is an objective assessment of the reliability of effort demonstrated by the client during the evaluation. It is also important to identify symptom complaints and/or behaviors that are inconsistent or exaggerated when compared to objective evidence. Reliability is determined based on evidence collected over the entire evaluation and not simply the results of a single test. Observed behaviors are compared and contrasted with the client's perception of abilities and self-reported symptoms. The ARCON system calculates up to 70 independent measures of reliability throughout an evaluation. These include statistical consistency of effort and movement, heart rate responses to exertion, quality, and speed of movement patterns, force curve analysis, distraction techniques such as isometric horizontal strength changes, rapid exchange grip testing, and Waddell's non-organic signs.

injury evaluations & preventions

Pre-Employment Screenings

ARCON's primary focus is to assist doctors, therapists, and companies in their evaluation of an individual's functional capacity. The pre-employment screenings are a mutually beneficial process to protect the employer from costly worker compensation suits while the employee is protected from on-the-job injuries.

The ARCON FCE System we use today is an updated version of the original system the University of Michigan developed in the 1980s. They developed this technology when NASA asked them to develop a computer model that would calculate the stress placed on the human body from lifting.

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simple & accurate Tools

user-friendly FCE Hardware

The ARCON system is a user-friendly tool to help clinicians perform functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) in a simple, accurate, and consistent manner. The system produces high-quality evaluations by combining three critical components: the evaluation tools (hardware and software), the evaluation protocol, and a competently trained evaluator. These components work together to assure easily understood, reliable, and legally defensible results.

Static and dynamic measurements are made of the entire body's lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying capacities. An efficient and secure method for determining maximal strength in a range of work postures is static testing. In addition to being a physiological indicator of the client's effort throughout these exercises, heart rates are recorded during both static and dynamic lifting.

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Functional Capacity Evaluations


Got a question? Our team is here to help.

  • Why is Active Functional Capacity so popular?

    ARCON Functional Capacity is known for our reputation for providing high-quality FCE software and hardware. Clients value the efficiency, reliability, and excellent customer service that we have to offer. As well as our advanced FCE software and FCE hardware to enhance the evaluation process, we are committed to continuous improvement to ensure that we remain at the forefront of the industry. At ARCON Functional Capacity, we know the importance of determining an individual's ability to return to work safely after injury, aiding in rehabilitation planning, and accurately assessing disability levels for insurance and legal purposes.

    Contact us to learn more about functional capacity evaluations today!

  • What is the best way to contact you?

    You can reach us by calling 734-904-1895, emailing, or using the contact form. 

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